Friday, May 25, 2012

My Dream to be a Catalogue Model

I've had been an avid shopper of AVON products since I was young in the Philippines. I loved it because it was very accessible. Going through their brochure gives me the same excitement as reading a fashion magazine. I would always be fascinated by how good the models look on the catalogue that makes you really buy the product. I've always dreamt to be one ( Only if I was blessed with good looks!).

Here's an attempt, so I hope you like it guys!

Look No. 1 "The Nerd"

Bow-tie: Splash from Centerpoint, KSA
Shirt: Retro from Centerpoint, KSA
Document holder: Zara, KSA

Look No. 2 "The Hawaiian"

Shirt: Splash from Centerpoint, KSA
Shorts: H&M, Bahrain

Look No. 3 " The Sorbet Ice Cream Lover"

Shirt: Zara, Bahrain
Pants: Topman, Bahrain



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