Saturday, January 19, 2013

My New Year's Resolution

I'm glad that my blog "Challenged Fashionista" has been running for more than a year now. May it continue to inspire more people not only in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but hopefully all over the world to be true to themselves and to hold on to their passion no matter what.

It's been a long time since my last post. It's only obvious that I have been busy trying to figure out my new year's resolution. The coming of the New Year 2013 is as usual just like any ordinary day in the kingdom. I celebrated the New Year’s Eve with my friends and officemates at our company accommodation. I miss celebrating it in my home country (Its more fun in the Philippines!!!) . There is one thing that always excites me on new year though and that is setting a long list of goals or new year's resolution.

What are your new years resolution? I would like to share few of mine.

1.) Sometimes we ignore the most important things in life. We only remember thee when things aren’t going so well. We forget to greet our family and friends' birthdays and other special occasions that are meaningful to them. I am as dumb in mathematics as memorizing the birthdays of my family and friends. This is the reason why I bought a new Smartphone to save me from embarrassment for forgetting their special dates.

Spirituality, Family and friends will always be my priority in life. A little time to kneel and pray each night, more time in communicating with my family and keeping up with my friends will always come first (promise!)

2.) I hope that being called a “B**** by someone at work is a complement in my case but its not. It struck me to reflect on myself when I heard this from an officemate which is second on my priority list to work on this year. I am aware that I tend to be very mean when busy and sometimes for having a bad hair day, lack of sleep and for receiving our salary late but I never meant any of those

I hope that thinking positively and projecting a happy face are a good way to start with.

3.)   I haven’t stepped into any gym since I got here and I miss doing work-out a lot. I bought a dumbbell but it has been sitting at my room for quite a long time because I am busy. 

Needless to say,  health is wealth so I am going to push myself to do exercise despite the lack of time, be more watchful of the food I am eating and take supplements. 

Is this too much to take in a day? I hope not. 

4.)    .)    Save! Save and Save! This has always been my goal each year and I must say that for the past years I may not have achieved my goal completely, nevertheless I have done it. Shopping on a budget is surely a challenge for anybody so I will try my best to be wiser in shopping which means looking for the next best thing on anything that is affordable and doesn’t compromise quality and most importantly to shop for what I need only (choked!)

My coin bank without a lock. 

5.)   When you are busy organizing is the least thing you have in mind but organizing our things serve us in many good ways. It is not only pleasing to the eye but makes everything in order making it easier for us to find things when we need them.

I found a way a better way in my opinion to hang my belts in this way its much easier to pick one and thus I know what else I need to shop the next time. 

I will be more systematic and organized with my things at home and office.

Happy New year to all of my fabulous followers and readers! Thank you for following and reading my blog.



  1. Exercise is definitely on top of my list for this year. I'm so tamad going to the gym though, so I'm being creative on other activities. :) Good luck with the resolutions! :)

    1. Happy New year to you Di! I am so lazy but have got to do exercise this yr as I have gained weight hehe! Thank you dear!


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