Thursday, September 6, 2012

Make-up for Men?

Gone are the days of housewives basically to serve their husbands and children. Women nowadays are showing that they are just as good as men in any fields they embark career on.   They can be pilots, engineers, soldiers and even presidents. Hail and salute them for bringing excellence in men's world. "Android women empowerment" indicates diminishing stereotype amongst women thus society embraces modernity.

On the other hand, negativity connotes if a man does anything associated with women. Most especially in the name of vanity in any form amongst men, to the extent of using make-up  is a big "No" But why? You heard it right, make-up for men! make-up have hit stores and dont wonder when one day you'll come across a section dedicated to cosmetics for men. They have the same needs as women in resorting to make-up. With men's activities which makes their skin susceptible to skin damage, Make-up comes to rescue. Men have got to hide some flaws too and look good when he's out there to face the world.

Finally!  There are concealers specially designed for men like The Men Pen and Menaji which help conceals skin problems on the face like acne, scars, redness and other imperfections.

(Image from:

 (Image from:

Anti-shine powder from Menaji.

Eyeliner and Mascara for men from Guyliner (

I hope this is as far as make up goes for men. There are already few men left in this world! We don't want all of them be looking fags right?



  1. hmmm. Interesting info but I wouldn't like my boyfriend to use all this stuff. No way

    Dear men, leave cosmetics, heels and some other feminine things for us!! :D

    1. Can we atleast share? hehe! thanx for the comment Sasha!


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