Friday, May 25, 2012

My Dream to be a Catalogue Model

I've had been an avid shopper of AVON products since I was young in the Philippines. I loved it because it was very accessible. Going through their brochure gives me the same excitement as reading a fashion magazine. I would always be fascinated by how good the models look on the catalogue that makes you really buy the product. I've always dreamt to be one ( Only if I was blessed with good looks!).

Here's an attempt, so I hope you like it guys!

Look No. 1 "The Nerd"

Bow-tie: Splash from Centerpoint, KSA
Shirt: Retro from Centerpoint, KSA
Document holder: Zara, KSA

Look No. 2 "The Hawaiian"

Shirt: Splash from Centerpoint, KSA
Shorts: H&M, Bahrain

Look No. 3 " The Sorbet Ice Cream Lover"

Shirt: Zara, Bahrain
Pants: Topman, Bahrain


Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Raja

You get the opportunity to learn and understand culture of people from different races when you live abroad which I feel great about. With association and communication to different nationalities in the country I was not only able to understand their way of life but I got to appreciate life more. When you do appreciate life everything around you will be beautiful.

I have an obvious fascination to the Indian culture. My previous posting is apparently due to my great fondness to their culinary delights. In this particular post, I am inspired by the Hindi traditional wear for men. I went for the normal shirt with Indian inspired prints to be more wearable and finished the look with a turban. For me men looks good in turban too!

My gratitude to Mr. Herbart Arceo (HMA Photography) for helping me in pulling off my vision for this photoshoot. Thank you once again for these exquisite photos!

About the title: I remember in my childhood when a patron blind fortune teller of my father came for a short visit to our home. I was keenly watching him with my father stealthy from a distance and listening when he surprisingly felt my presence and beckoned me to go near him then asked me if I have a mole below my left nipple. He touched it and whispered to my ear that I will be a governor someday. My father was curious about what he told me. At that time I didn't know what a governor means. My father explained it as being a ruler and said that I would not only be a governor but a king. Everyone can be a king in his own life.  A king who wouldn't be a slave to wealth and greed but only to love.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fine Dining Experience at Queen of India

Indian culture is lively and very colorful. Indian movies always have singing and exciting dancing that makes you wanna dance. They are also known for producing exquisite textile and not to mention their cuisine.So  there is no reason why even some hollywood stars would be captivated by India.

Chiggy Wiggy-Kylie Minogue feat. Akshay Kumar

Chamma Challo feat. Akon

I have been hooked up to anything Indian lately. I love watching Bollywood movies and listening to hindi songs even if I don't understand them. Most people may not like Indian food because of the strong aroma and the abundant use of spices but I find it as one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. So I asked my friends that we try out Queen of India to have a little taste of India.

 The facade of the restaurant isn't as good as its interior.

The name of the restaurant is confusing!

The Look

Bear with me guys, I wasn't quite prepared. I had my shirt custom-made by my favorite tailor.

The Interior

Good Food

Friendly Staff

With the General Manager (2nd to the left) and his staff and my friend Christopher(right).
